Contest Club
QRV since 1993.


In may-june QST 1998 there is a nice article how to make bandpass filters for HF. The BCC have make some modifitcations and this is our base to make those filters


Using a housing with 120mm * 60mm * 50mm (L*D*H)


4 stand-offs and 2 sheets to make a HF and bullit proof housing.


All 6 together.



Filter \ Band 10m 15m 20m 40m 80m 160m
10m 0,6 db 26 db 45 db 67 db 70 db 70 db
15m 66 db 0,7 db 33 db 57 db 66 db 70 db
20m 36 db 50 db 0,3 db 38 db 53 db 64 db
40m 54 db 58 db 65 db 0,3 db 46 db 68 db
80m 54 db 64 db 69 db 59 db 0,6 db 37 db
160m 68 db 52 db 61 db 73 db 50 db 0,3 db

Click on the band to see plots, swr and photo's of the filters.

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